ORAVAMAN Triathlon | News
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Oravaman XTRI Solo Point Five is now history. It was an amazing weekend full of emotions and great performances. Thank you for such a friendly and familiar atmosphere. See you all again on the 14th edition of Oravaman, on July...

Vzhľadom na očakávané extrémne teploty a búrky s bleskami sme sa po konzultácii s meteorológmi a Horskou záchrannou službou rozhodli modifikovať trasu, detail trasy a GPX súbor nájdete na tomto linku https://sk.mapy.cz/s/mazabobopo Due to expected extreme temperatures and lightning storms, after...

After the winners ceremony and Oravaman XTRI Solo Point Five FINISHER T-Shirt ceremony we invite you to our traditional AFTERPARTY. From 6:30 there will be live music with SGP Projekt and than with SHOCK BAND and we also have some...

Registration for XIII. ORAVAMAN is now OPEN. Before you sign up, please have in mind, that the entry fee can´t be postponed to 2025 and can´t be refunded, if athlete can´t race or decides not to race. During the registration...

Máme za sebou VII. ročník pretekov Jánošík Slovak Xtreme Triathlon. Prinášame Vám recenziu pretekov z pohľadu pretekára a jeho doprovodu. Ďakujeme https://www.phyourmotion.sk/kto-som/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv-7XHbxmL0 ...

Here you can find: Voucher (bring it printed and signed), Race Manual 2023, video presentation with all important instructions. Check this link. Tu nájdete všetko čo potrebujete vedieť ku pretekom: Voucher (prineste si ho vytlačný a podpísaný), Manuál ku pretekom a...

Ako pomáhajú vaše 2%? Aj vďaka Vašej pomoci sme sa po pandémii mohli vrátiť do organizátorského kolobehu a minulý rok sme zorganizovali:  triatlonové preteky ORAVAMAN – 300 pretekárov zo 7 krajín, detský ORAVAMAN – 120 účastníkov vo veku 1 – 15 rokov, triatlonové preteky...

XTRI World Tour, Home of Extreme Triathlon and the XTRI World Championship, have launched their exciting new X-Points participation system to help athletes get to the races they lose sleep over! For many years, the original XTRI races have been oversubscribed,...