ORAVAMAN Triathlon | About us
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About us

After few months of talking, several meetings and preparation a small dream became reality. In July of 2011 a small group of friends and their families organized a small triathlon in the beautiful nature of West Tatras mountains. They called it Oravaman. A race made by heart with familiar and friendly atmospehere, unique race spirit with unparalleled homestay at guesthouse Penzión Pribiskô in Zuberec. The race soon became a phenomenon and every year hundreds of athletes from different countries come to face the challenging course of Oravaman triathlon. Since 2023 the race is a proud partner of the XTRI World Tour® family as Oravaman XTRI Solo Point Five.

In 2016  , after 5 years of experience we decided to create  a new race, that would meet the standards and philosophy of the Xtri World Tour. We named it JÁNOŠÍK – Slovak Xtreme Triathlon, where quality, uniquenes, atmosphere and care are the most important values. In our 2 races we connect sport, nature, friends and families.

As we said in 2011, we still say it today:

„Bude ako nebolo“

Meet the Crew of XTRI Slovakia

Peter Paľa

race director

Michal Polgár

representative & athletes questions

Ján Mikulovský

admin & design

Róbert Kovalčík

admin & software

Michal Lichner

video & promotion

Alžbeta Paľová

CREW leader

Daniel Paľa

race & logistics